St. Wulstan's Roman Catholic Primary School

Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another

Welcome to St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School.

Welcome to Year 4/5


Class teacher:  Miss E Seedall

Support Staff :  Miss N Walden (am), Mrs. C Pharo (pm), Mrs. A Crook (TA1)


If you would like paper copies of our anything that appears on this page, please contact the school office.  


Multiplication Check, Year 4 


Summer 2 2024, Class Newsletter 

Summer 1 2024, Class Newsletter 

Summer 2024, Knowledge Organiser

Summer 2024, Home Learning Ideas

Spring 2 2024, Class Newsletter

Spring 1 2024, Class Newsletter

Spring 2024, Knowledge Organiser

Spring 2024, Home Learning Ideas


Autumn 2 2023, Class Newsletter

Autumn 1 2023, Class Newsletter

Autumn 2023, Knowledge Organiser

Autumn 2023, Home Learning Ideas


Recommended Reads for Year 4

Recommended Reads for Year 5

Meet the Teacher Powerpoint, 2023 - 2024


Parents' Guide to Using Purple Mash


Year 4 Multiplication Check, June 2024 and further information

Mixed Age Class Information - click here

Meet the Teacher Powerpoint



For information on how you can support our learning please follow the links below.


Parents' Information Booklet - Year 5

Parents' Information Booklet - Year 4


Recommended Books for Year 4

Recommended Books for Year 5


Key Instant Recall Facts Autumn 1

Key Instant Recall Facts Autumn 2

Key Instant Recall Facts Spring 1, Year 4

Key Instant Recall Facts Spring 1, Year 5

Key Instant Recall Facts Spring 2, Year 4

Key Instant Recall Facts Spring 2, Year 5


Parents' Guide ‘Must do’ by the End of Year 4

Parents' Guide ‘Must do’ by the End of Year 5


A Guide to the Teaching of Core Skills across St. Wulstan's


How to Help Your Year 4 Child With Their Reading

How to Help Your Year 5 Child With Their Reading


Useful websites  useful games for different subjects - key stage 1 or key stage 2   lots of subjects where you can find out more  lots of activities that you can print out and PowerPoints that you can read activities for children to complete on line free resources on line activities for maths