St. Wulstan's Roman Catholic Primary School

Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another

Welcome to St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School.

Our Catholic School


Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another”

This statement is at the heart of all we strive to achieve.


Our rich curriculum embraces our Catholicity at its heart and complies with the Religious Education Directory requirements.


Catholic schools are guided in all they do by an important and coherent vision of education. This vision is based on the truth revealed by God about ourselves, our life together in community and our ultimate destiny with God. This gives rise to an educational endeavour centred on the person of Jesus Christ, who is our Way, Truth and Life. Over a long period of time, this approach to education has proved to be one that prepares children and young people well for whatever roles they take on in society or public life, as well as for their personal and family lives.


At times, this vision of education stands in contrast to a secular model of education, based on the values of the prevailing culture, which are often far from clear and not always shared.


Those who choose catholic schools for their children are, in effect, seeking an alternative model of education. Catholic schools are clear and robust in the principles which guide them and the moral framework within which they educate.


We encourage our parents to send their child to a Catholic school and to be actively involved in its life. “Since parents have conferred life on their children they have the most solemn obligation to educating their offspring. Hence parents must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children. Their role as educators is so decisive that scarcely anything can compensate for their failure in it”. An extract from the Vatican Document on Christian Education.

The aims of our schools are to help everyone within the school community to grow in faith; to make the most of every ability they have been given; to achieve academic excellence and to prepare well for adult life in a modern and diverse society.

Children currently follow the ‘Come and See” scheme alongside the ‘Caritas in Action’ programme which looks at the social teachings of the church.

All classes also have planned acts of collective worship on a regular basis. As the children progress through the school, they take pleasure in planning these for themselves.


We plan our work in 5 areas along the guidelines of the ‘5 W’s framework’; Word. Worship, Witness, Welfare and Welcome and you can see below a brief overview of each area.


Word of God

We place the Word of God at the centre of all we do to inspired and challenge us to live in the service of each other


We follow in Jesus’ footsteps by reaching out and being a welcoming community where our diversity is celebrated and the dignity of the individual as a child of God is recognised.


We recognise that God is with us in every aspect of school life and try to provide a witness to the key gospel values in all that we undertake.


We reach out and nurture a community where everyone is shown love, care, respect and compassion.

We accept responsibility for the Welfare of each other as Jesus intended and reach out to those who need us.


We joyfully place scripture at the heart of our worship. Our reflection, prayer and liturgy strengthen us a community and encourage us to witness to the gospel values in our daily lives.