St. Wulstan's Roman Catholic Primary School

Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another

Welcome to St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School.

Respect, Autumn 2, 2023

Our St. Wulstan’s value for the second half of the Autumn term is Respect. 

As a school, we respect and cherish the God-given intellect and talents of every child, seeking to develop these to their full potential. Our curriculum and our activities respect the breadth and depth of our children’s capacities by offering them richness, innovation and variety.

Respect is:

  • Respect is feeling good about myself
  • Respect is knowing I am unique and valuable
  • Respect is listening to others and their ideas
  • Respect is knowing others are valuable, too
  • Respect is treating others nicely
  • Respect is treating my surroundings and objects nicely and taking care of them.


I am following Jesus' example of LOVE when I show RESPECT, FORGIVENESS, HONESTY and JUSTICE by

  • Treating others as I want to be treated
  • Acting politely
  • Standing up for what is right and just
  • Being open, trustworthy, truthful and honest
  • Asking for forgiveness and sincerely apologising
  • Showing stewardship by caring for our environment


We should reflect on the following questions:

  • How are pupils given the opportunity in school to experience feelings of awe, wonder and mystery?
  • Are there places and objects around the school that are considered ‘holy or sacred’, which help children reflect and wonder at the nature of God?
  • What special words, sacramental actions or religious symbols are used to challenge and inform children’s understanding of God?
  • How do children show their respect for each other and adults in the school community?
  • How are children encouraged to Value and respect their own and other people’s belongings?
  • How do policies and practices in the school engender respect for all members of the school community? 

Example Bible Story

Moses and the Burning Bush

Exodus Chapters 2-4

Do to others as you have them do unto you (Luke 6:31)


Each week we will give a special ‘Respect ’ candle and certificate to those children who demonstrate good values and place their names on our St. Wulstan’s  Values Tree.

We hope your family will find these accompanying ideas helpful to explore together click here

Please do remember, if you would like to share how your child shows a value at home, please do download a Values Feather and tell us all about it.