St. Wulstan's Roman Catholic Primary School

Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another

Welcome to St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School.

The Religious Life of Our School


The Church’s liturgical calendar is followed and pupils are instructed for Reconciliation (their first confession) and First Holy Communion with the parish priest. Active support of parents and their full co-operation is of invaluable assistance to the parish and the school in the preparation of their children before they make these sacraments.

Parents do have the right to withdraw their child from religious education. It must be understood that religious education takes place in all curriculum areas and that the catholic values and beliefs are expressed throughout the day in everything we teach the children.

We are named after Saint Wulstan, and each year, on 19th January, we celebrate our chosen saint.

Spring 2024, Letter to Parents

Autumn 2023, Letter to Parents


Catholic Life at St. Wulstan’s


The Catholic life of St. Wulstan’s is rich in opportunities for children to encounter God and to deepen their relationship with Him as a loving, compassionate Father. Below, we aim to share with you and celebrate many of the elements which make our Catholic school so special. Here, you will find information and that we have been up to as we work together with our families, the Parish and the school work together in supporting the development of our children’s faith.


Book of Wonder

Mr. Tate sends out a half termly newsletter to parents and children, A Book of Wonder, to show how the curriculum at St. Wulstan's is linked to the Bible. 

Book of Wonder 1, Autumn 2

Book of Wonder 2, Autumn 2

Book of Wonder 3, Spring 1

Book of Wonder 4, Spring 2

Book of Wonder 5, Summer 1

Book of Wonder 6, Summer 2

Father Ethelbert and  Father Stephen

Every Monday, the classes, on a rota, visit St. Wulstan's Church and meet with one of our two priests. The children and priests talk and discuss the Sunday Gospel and Readings and how it can be applied to the week ahead. The children and staff look forward to their weekly visit. It is especially important during these challenging times that we stop and pray and take the opportunity to spend time with God. All the classes attend a weekly parish mass on a rota basis (Thursday 9:30am which everyone is welcome to attend; the rota can be found in our weekly whole school newsletter) and collective worship takes place daily allowing the children to become closer to God through prayer. 

Harvest Assembly

Our annual Harvest Assembly is led by Year 4/5. We think about those in the world who are less fortunate than us and how we can help them. We learn about how festival of the harvest came about. After the assembly, a collection of food is gathered from donations from our school's families and staff members and is taken to the Baptist Church at Clayton-le-Moors to help those in need in our community. Thank you to everyone who contributes to our collection. We also have a Food Bank Box in the entrance to school for those who are hungry and living in poverty. Please help yourselves to anything from the Food Bank Box.

Remembrance Day - Lest We Forget

We hold a special assembly on 11th November, led by Year 2, and observe a 2 minute silence as we recognise the service and sacrifice of past and present generations. Children spend the day remembering all those  who have died in wars. Thank you for your always very generous donations in the annual Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. We always collect over £200 – an amazing effort! Without your help and support, the Royal British Legion would be unable to continue their vital welfare and benevolent work. 


CAFOD and Bob, are regular visitors to St. Wulstan's. Bob has worked with all the children on Pope Francis' encyclical, Laudato Si', and looking closely at how it is everyone's responsibility on the planet to care for our common home. All Key Stage Classes wrote action plans, detailing how they could reduce water wastage, pollution and recycle. We know very clearly that we can all be superheroes if we use the superpowers in our fingers to help look after the world! We have collected lots of Eco Bricks and have two eco-benches on the top playground and one on the bottom as well an eco-elephant! We have collectd e even more Eco Bricks to make bedding boxes to grow some trees. We have been working with Bob on Climate Change and Sonya from the Prospects Foundation, Hyndburn’s community owned environmental charity whose aim is to improve people’s quality of life through positive environmental action.


Bread Bag Blocks, Autumn 2023

St. Wulstan's are in the news for their continued environmental commitment...

Sit back and enjoy...


COP 27

Our trip to London

Making our voices heard in The London Post 

Anti Bullying Week

Anti Bullying Week takes place annually in the second half of the Autumn Term, with different nationally chosen themes being looked at very closely by all the children.

Anti-Bullying Alliance

The children complete lots of different activities and assemblies where we reinforce the messages about how our school approaches bullying. This includes knowing what steps to take if someone is being bullied, ensuring our pupils know what to do if they are being bullied, how to deal with anyone who bullies and that everyone should take bullying seriously because of the long-term impact it can have on friendships, self-esteem as well as emotional and mental health and wellbeing.

We talk about the positive impact a small gesture or comment can have on someone else’s day. Children always wear odd socks during Anti Bullying Weekto celebrate everyone’s uniqueness, make kindness biscuits, sometimes even decorate potatoes (!), carry out drama activities, design anti-bullying messages for all and lots more. Our Key Stage 2 children look at on-line safety with the PCSOs. Please look out for pictures on Facebook and Twitter.

What is bullying?

Bullying is defined as deliberately hurtful behaviour by an individual or a group of individuals, repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves. The school defines bullying using the acronym STOP:






The three main types of bullying are:

  • Physical (hitting, kicking, theft)
  • Verbal (name calling, racist remarks or comments which relate to any personal characteristics including gender and ethnicity)
  • Indirect (spreading rumours, excluding someone from social groups, or increasingly via ‘cyber’ bullying through new and emerging technology).


At St. Wulstan’s, children are encouraged to report bullying in school to a teacher or staff member or one of our many Anti Bullying Ambassadors or Playground Pals who can be spotted by their Hi-Vis Jackets and red tabbards.

All our children have been taught that bullying is a choice and that we can respectfully disagree with each other i.e. we don’t have to be best friends or always agree with each other but we do have to respect each other and that we all need to choose to respect each other, both face to face and online.

Christmas at St. Wulstan's

Year 1 and Year 2 children always work co-operatively together to put together their annual Nativity. Reception shine brightly star in their Nativity - Nursery Rhyme Nativity which they share with the rest of the children in the school and their families and friends - a great job is done by everyone to share with our community the real meaning of Christmas!

We enjoy exceptional assemblies and performances and the children really get across the Christmas message and have a lot of fun doing so. The acting and singing talents  on show across the school are very special to watch – our children are always wonderful!

The school choir are always out in force over the Christmas period, singing at Dukes Brow, sheltered accommodation, along with singing at the Great Harwood Christmas Lights Switch On. They work very hard and their singing brings a tear to many an eye. Reception join the community at Bank Mill for a Christmas party. We hold Christmas Craft Workshop to which all parents/carers/grandparents are invited. We work together to produce a range of Christmas Crafts produced which include tree decorations, stockings, calendars, snowmen and much more. 

Stations of the Cross

In the final week of term before Easter, we  traditionally have a Stations of the Cross service as a whole school. As well, to end our celebration in school for the season of Lent, we create our own 3D representations of the Stations of the Cross and have a Stations of the Cross Reflection Day. All of the children in school are involved, and children rotate around the classes, where each  teacher looks at two stations with them. This is a lovely way for us mark the significance and sacrifice Jesus made and for the children to understand its importance.

Saints Days

As part of St. Wulstan’s commitment to British Values and in recognition of the feast days of our four Houses (St. George, St. Andrew, St. David and St. Patrick), on the days of the feast, the children who are in the House, meet together and learn about their House Saint. These days are a great opportunity for the children to learn all about a Saint and celebrate with a variety of art activities and a sweet treat!

John Edwards, Walking Free
Our older pupils welcomed John Edwards who talked to the children about his time living on the streets of Dublin and London and the consequences of actions. John has suffered from cancer twice and has had a liver transplant. He then experienced an incredible encounter with God and has turned his life around. He truly is an inspirational man and the children were completely mesmerised by his life now, dedicating his life to helping others find freedom.



At St. Wulstan's, we value the importance of developing strong links between the school and local, regional, national and international communities. Through visits, assemblies, concerts and special events, we involve our pupils in the local community, so that they learn how to participate in a practical way in the life and concerns of their neighbourhood and communities. Working with parents, parishioners, local residents, the business community, public services, and voluntary services teaches the children to become active citizens. St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School is not a building in isolation, but is situated within the community of Great Harwood and surrounding area. It is important that St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School, its children, staff and governors are recognised as part of the local, wider and international community.

Lancashire Day

On 28th November, our Junior Leadership Team were invited to attend Churchfield House to celebrate Lancashire Day, a day when Lancastrians are reminded of their history – a history that stretches back to the original and still existing boundaries of the county. The Civic Society organised the Town Crier to perform the Lancashire Cry, which was cried by Town Criers at the same time throughout Lancashire. The children were at the House to listen to the cry, and then asked questions of the Mayor, Mayoress and Town Crier about the history of our great county. Travis, Dominic, Isla and Grace represented the school extremely well.

Look who we received a letter from!

Miss Hadfield worked with Year 5/6 looking at vocations and calls to the priesthood. Our previous parish priest was interviewed regarding his calling and the children were fascinated by his life experiences. Who better to write to though than the Holy Father...

Sunday 19th January is the feast day of St. Wulstan. St. Wulstan was born in 1008 in Warwickshire. He studied at the abbeys of Evesham and Peterborough, received ordination, and joined the Benedictines at Worcester. He also served as treasurer of the church at Worcester, was Prior of the monastery, and finally was named Bishop of Worcester in 1062. After overcoming initial doubts about his ability to hold the office of bishop, he demonstrated such skill after the Norman Conquest that he was the lone Bishop to be kept in his post by William the Conqueror (r. l066-l087). For the next three decades, Wulstan rebuilt his cathedral, cared for the poor, and struggled to alleviate the harsh decrees of the Normans upon the vanquished Saxons. He was canonized in 1203 and is the patron saint of vegetarians and dieters! On Monday 20th January, we had a special day, St. Wulstan’s Day, in school as we found out all about him and other significant saints. The day ended with a whole school liturgy which members of our Parish family attended and a birthday cake for everyone!

During the Spring term, all classes take part in a Grandparents' Liturgy to which their grandparents are invited into school so that the children can show and tell them how much they appreciate everything that they do for them. Prayers of thanks are offered, readings are said and special gifts are shared