St. Wulstan's Roman Catholic Primary School

Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another

Welcome to St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School.

“I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full.”

(John 10, 10)


St. Wulstan’s Vision, Values & Ethos, November 2021


The words of John remind us that God became man in Jesus Christ in order to bring us to life in God. We believe that the life of each of us is only truly fulfilled in God.

Our school therefore operates on the five Gospel values that our children have identified as being the most important:


Love – “We love because God first loved us” (1 Jn 4:19). We believe that each of us is created by God out of love and is called to love Him and our neighbour. All our work and activity therefore strive to be of the highest possible standard in order to reflect and respond to the love that God has for each of us.

Friendship – Friendship with God is the most important relationship we can cultivate. Our community, comprising of our children, staff, parents, parish, governors and beyond, is built on seeking friendship in God. As a result, the human relations in our community flourish and we strive for excellence together.

Respect – As a school, we respect and cherish the God-given intellect and talents of every child, seeking to develop these to their full potential. Our curriculum and our activities respect the breadth and depth of our children’s abilities by offering them richness, innovation and variety.

Forgiveness – The Cross of Christ reminds us of the forgiveness that God has offered to each of us and that we in turn must offer to others. This enables us to move forward confidently, learning from our mistakes and emboldened by God’s mercy.

Honesty – Honesty with ourselves and with others enable self-discipline and accountability. By expecting honesty from all our staff and children, we promote outstanding behaviour and a culture of commitment.


We believe that these Gospel values will enable our pupils to leave school and SHINE! They will be:

Socially responsible




Empowered to face life’s challenges


Love God… Love Learning… Love One Another


Our Mission Statement


Love God…so we follow the example of Jesus

Love Learning…so we always do our very best

Love One Another…so we treat each other as we want to be treated



St. Wulstan's Curriculum Statement 2023 - 2024