St. Wulstan's Roman Catholic Primary School

Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another

Welcome to St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School.

The Cost of Living Crisis

As I hope you all know, our school is here not only to look after our children but also our families. It is a very trying and financially testing time for many of our families at the moment and the next few months could see many hitting crisis point. Our message to you is that you are not alone and we are here to help wherever possible. Our Family Liaison officer, Wendy Schofield, has already been instrumental in providing links to funding for families which could be a big help to many. Wendy can also refer families in to a number of agencies, not least local food banks. There is support if you are facing housing related difficulties and, again, Wendy can provide support and refer families to agencies and schemes such as ‘The Household Support Fund’, ‘First Call’ and ‘Under One Roof’. Tony at the Heritage shop in Accrington is accepting uniform that children might have outgrown and has already supplied over 3,000 uniforms to families in the Accrington area this summer alone. We also collect uniform at school and if you need any at all, please just ask at the office. Please get in touch with school if you would like Wendy to contact you if you feel you could benefit from any help at all. We know that this could also have an impact on our children. If you are ever worried about your child’s mental health or well-being, please get in touch so that we can set something up. If it is your own mental health and well-being that is suffering, do not suffer alone. We are here to listen and help at school and Wendy has completed lots of referrals for men and women over the last few months. Please reach out to school if we can help or direct you to support in any way. This will be completely confidential and we will be delighted to help you. We are all one family at St. Wulstan's and we are here for both you and your children at any time.

Wendy Schofield is St. Wulstan’s Home School Liaison Officer.


The role of a Home School Liaison Officer is to work in schools to provide advice and support service for parents/carers and families.


Wendy works closely with parents on issues that may be impacting on themselves and/or their child's well-being.  She can offer support and advice on a wide range of issues and can signpost parents towards outside agencies if required.


Part of Wendy’s role is to work closely with all staff, outside agencies and organisations to improve opportunities for children and their families at our school. An integral part of her role is linking families with other agencies, both statutory and non-statutory such as School Nurses, Parenting workshops/programmes, Young Carers, ADHD NorthWest, HARV, Winston's Wish, Children and Family Well Being Service, Child Action North West, Counselling Services, Finance Advice Services, parent support groups, to name a few!


Sometimes the stresses of everyday life can be overwhelming for all of us and you may feel you just need to talk these through with someone.  You may need help with social and emotional wellbeing, including friendship issues, grief and loss, parental separation, parenting, absence and lateness, behaviour and other issues outside of these. Please feel free to come in and talk to Wendy either on the playground or through a prearranged meeting.


You can contact Wendy: -


In person through the school office or by the school telephone number 01254 884533


Below are some useful website that may be of interest to you: -


What's On Guide, Children and Family Well Being Service    - General advice on any parenting issues, local social events  - Support for Dads  - General advice on most subjects  - Housing and debt advice - Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Great Harwood