St. Wulstan's Roman Catholic Primary School

Believe to Achieve: Love God, Love Learning, Love One Another

Welcome to St. Wulstan's R.C. Primary School.

Behaviour and St. Wulstan's Expectations


The primary aim of our Behaviour for Learning policy, underpinned by our mission statement, is to promote good behaviour.


We have 3 school expectations that the children are expected to adhere, inside and outside of the classroom:


Staff have high expectations for all children and do not ignore unacceptable behaviour.  Being good role models and rewarding pupils, enables us to promote positive behaviour. 


To reinforce good work/learning behaviour and attitudes, some of the rewards we use include: verbal praise, Always Children, Dojos which convert into house points or house points alone, Weekly ‘Star of the Week’ certificates, Stickers, Golden Time, Tidiest classroom – class of the week certificate, Prize boxes, Praise pads, Marbles, Raffle tickets, Friday Celebration Assemblies…the list goes on.


Each staff member is equally responsible for the maintenance of discipline. Positive reinforcement of good behaviour, the language of choice, reconciliation and consistency are vital to the success of our policy. 

At St. Wulstan’s, we strive to provide a caring ethos where everyone in the school community feels safe, confident, valued and respected. By promoting an environment where everyone can work together in a supportive way, we enable all to reach their full potential, emotionally, morally, socially and intellectually.

We are lucky to have wonderful children at St. Wulstan’s who are ready and eager to learn and enjoy coming to school. Instances of unacceptable behaviour are rare. As a school community of children, teachers, parents and governors, we continue to work together, ensuring that our children have the best possible start in life.